My Life From a Trash Can

I have always feared the day after graduation. I can picture myself roaming around dark and rainy streets with my diploma clutched in one hand and tears in my eyes. I would periodically scream things like, "LOOK AT ME, I CAN WORK FOR YOU!" or "PLEASE JUST TAKE A PEEK AT MY RESUME, PLEASE!!" In the end I would be forced to take up residence on Sesame Street, like Oscar the Grouch, in some trash can. People would call me Garbage Girl and i could sing about the letter "G" every day. ;)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is anyone willing to do this for me?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Will Work for Food!

Okay, I am aware that I am a crust in this picture, but I would never show up for a job interview this way. Sometimes a girl just needs a night in pjs with a slicked back ponytail. Some girls publish these nights onto their blogs. I'm not afraid.

Take A Look At This Guy...

So take a look at this guy. He is a handsome fellow, isn't he? He lives on the paradisaical caribbean island of St. Lucia. He doesn't worry about resumes or portfolios. He doesn't spend hours in mock interviews or trying to prove himself by creating a web site full of his accomplishments. Maybe creating grass fish could be my calling in life as well. I feel good about it. Maybe I could earn enough to buy a nice hammock and some scuba equipment. I would be set.  

Schmoozing With Professors

BYU-Idaho is overflowing with qualified professionals that are worn out and ready to settle down for several quiet years of grading papers and making friends with outgoing BYU-I students such as myself. This creates a perfect environment for sticking a foot in the door of opportunities.
      I just spent a lovely hour speaking with my Editing Essentials professor, Brother Bennett. He told me of his career journey and the ins and outs of needing internships and perfecting writing skills. He is so sweet. The rumors are true, one must partake of networking. Hey, and it is a lot of fun to do so!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Slimy Job Hunt Friends

I have always feared the day after graduation. I can picture myself roaming around dark and rainy streets with my diploma clutched in one hand and tears in my eyes. I would periodically scream things like, "LOOK AT ME, I CAN WORK FOR YOU!" or "PLEASE JUST TAKE A PEEK AT MY RESUME, PLEASE!!" In the end I would be forced to take up residence on Sesame Street in some trash can like Oscar the Grouch. People would call me Garbage Girl and i could sing about the letter "G" every day. As long as I can have a cute little worm friend like Slimy I think I will be okay. : ) So I am sure you are all lavishly interested in this story and how everything turns out so I have decided to share my experiences with you about my process of graduation and the life after, if there is one.... dun dun dun!
      Right now I think my little wormy friends will include job search engines, resume help centers, professors and connections and the internship office at BYU-Idaho. Wish me luck and stand by for tips and tricks to surviving your last semester at college and the dreaded job hunt. ; )

Oscar the Grouch's Best Friend
This photo is from